

da Cortona, "Romulus and Remus Brought to Shepherd Faustulus"

courtesy of copyright holder Kathleen Cohen

World Art Kiosk

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Page Design Shortcuts

For easy explanations on common formatting, check the WikiStyle page.

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Create Your Own Page

For an explanation of how to create your own wiki pages just by typing a page title, check out the PageCreation page. It takes you through all the steps to create your page, including codes, graphics, and tips.

HTML Color Codes

For html codes on how to edit the color of a page or font, click here: html color codes.doc

Add the Ecce Forum Button

For the html code to add the Join the Ecce Forum button to the bottom of each page, click here: html code for promote button.doc or view the last section in edit mode after you click the Edit page tab at the top.

HTML Clean Code

(advanced users)


For the < type &lt;

For the > type &gt;

For the © type &copy;

For the & type &amp;

For the " type &quot;




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