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German Dictionary Page
Weak nouns are certain masculine nouns that, when used in the accusative or dative case, not only show a change in article from
- der → den → dem
- ein → einen → einem
but also themselves change by adding -(e)n to their base form:
- der Affe → den Affen, → dem Affen
- der Elefant → den Elefanten, → dem Elefanten
These weak nouns will look identical in form to the plural; only the article will enable you to tell them apart:
- den Affen (sing.) vs. die Affen (pl.)
- We've seen this confusion happen before with other singular vs. plural forms:
- das Mädchen (sing.) vs. die Mädchen (pl.)
- NOTE: der Herr becomes den/dem Herrn, but the plural is die Herren.
Usage Example:
- du: "Das ist ein Bär." (simple identification: "That is a bear.")
- ich: "Was? Ich sehe keinen Bären." (direct object: "What? I see no bear.")
- du: "Der Bär ist da im Baum. Du stehst direkt unter dem Bären." (subject and preposition with dative: "The bear is in the tree there. You're standing directly under the bear."
Recognizing Weak Nouns
- Masculine nouns often refer to people (occupations, nationalities, especially of foreign origin) and animals, but not every masculine gender person or animal is a weak noun.
- Masculine nouns with the following endings are weak nouns:
- -e (der Junge)
- -ant (der Elefant)
- -ist (der Tourist)
- -ent (der Präsident, but not der Moment)
- -at (der Automat)
Master List of Weak Nouns for German One
- der Affe = monkey, ape
- der Bär = bear
- der Eisbär = polar bear
- der Löwe = lion
- der Junge = boy
- der Herr = mister, lord
- accusative is den Herrn
- dative is dem Herrn
- plural is die Herren
- der Mensch = person, human being
- der Elefant = elephant
- der Prinz = prince
- der Hirte = shepherd
- der Automat = automat
- der Geldautomat = ATM
- den/dem/die Geldautomaten
- der Blumenautomat = automated flower dispenser
- den/dem/die Blumenautomaten
- der Neffe = nephew
- der Pirat = pirate
- der Präsident = president
- der Idiot = idiot
- der Riese = giant
- der Gigant = giant
- der Produzent = producer
- der Diamant = diamond
- der Fotograf = photographer
- der Meteorit = meteorite
- der Polizist = police officer
- der Pilot = pilot
- der Hase = hare
- der Bauer = peasant, farmer
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